Welcome to Vivid-Ed.com! Vivid-Ed is the newest imprint of Vivid
Entertainment, and it is dedicated to sex education. We bring you sex ed
videos that are smart, sexy, educational and entertaining. We hope this
site will become a useful resource in many ways, where you can read expert sex
and relationship advice, connect with others on our message boards, find
great workshops in your area, and, most importantly, give us feedback
about what you want to see more of! |

New Expert Guide Ships Dec 13 |
I'm so excited to announce finally that my newest Expert Guide title, "Expert Guide to Female Orgasms", is wrapped up & will be released on December 13! That's right - a new way to learn about the ultimate female pleasure - and how to make it happen even better, starring some of my favorite stars including Katie St. Ives, Evanni Soliel, Jiz Lee, Madison Young, Dylan Ryan, and Adrianna Nicole. We talk about (and show!) oral sex, g-spot play, vibrators, anal sex...and more. You'll definitely want to pick this DVD up - and if you pre-order it through my website, I will guarantee it to arrive to you by December 24! Click one of the links above for more information...and hope you enjoy it! |
Rough Sex 2 is out! |
Did you know that my Rough Sex series just released the second edition? This DVD is packed with hotter rough sex, more kink, more BDSM, and more amazing fantasies then ever! If you're a fan, you'll definitely want to check it out - the video listing is on my website at http://www.puckerup.com/?cPath=&products_id=513&tpid=8 Hope you love watching it as much as I loved making it! With lube + affection, Tristan |
Shootings done...time for editing fun! |
We wrapped up shooting for our new DVD's last week; now I get to start the editing process. I'm so excited - these shoots were AMAZING, and our talented actresses & actors gave 110% to their work! I wish I could get them all out the door for you tomorrow, but unfortunately, it'll be a while. On the positive side? Coming out later this summer is Rough Sex #2, with some amazing new faces (and your familiar favorites) exploring their fantasies of sex with a bit of an edge. |
Are you following me on Twitter? |
If you're not following me on Twitter, you're missing tons of "behind the scenes" shots of some of the hot stars of my upcoming Expert Guide DVD's...I'm filming this week and the sex is HOT! Check them out by following me on Twitter: TristanTaormino! |
Spring is Springing! |
Hey folks, I just wanted to stop by and tell you all how busy things have been here lately. As you know from my last blog entry, Penny Flame's Expert Guide to Rough Sex is out, and I'm so excited for it (and so are many of you, if the pre-orders are any indication)!
Want to see a preview? Check out the great review and online photo gallery that Fleshbot.com put up. Some smoking hot pics for sure!
I'm also gearing up for some trips out of town in April; those of you in the Baltimore MD / Washington DC area will get a double-dose, with my Anal Pleasure class at Sugar in Baltimore, MD on April 6, and my rescheduled discussion on "My Life As A Feminist Photographer" on April 7 at Goucher College in Baltimore. New Jersey-ites can catch the same lecture on April 8 at Drew University in Madison, NJ. I'll also be visiting Connecticut, Massachusettes, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Wisconson during April - so there are lots of chances to catch up with me in person!
Finally, for those of you that are fans of Derrick Pierce (who's appeared in a bunch of Vivid and Vivid-Ed titles), there's a brand new fan site on the net just for you - you can find it at http://www.derrickpiercexxxstar.com . This is a fan run site, so there are plenty of awesome photos of the man himself - which gives you plenty to enjoy!
That's it for now...I'd better start packing!
With lube + affection,
Tristan |
Penny Flame's Expert Guide to Rough Sex |
Are you ready for it???
I am so exited to announce that PENNY FLAME'S EXPERT GUIDE TO ROUGH SEX is here!
Penny leads a workshop where she teaches and demonstrates with the help of Mia Lelani. She covers:
how to communicate, establish consent, and set limits
which parts of the body can be roughed up and which cant
how to choose an effective safeword
tips for spanking, face slapping, and hair pulling in a safe way
three different kinds of slapping techniques
dominant/submissive and psychological roleplay
Then, watch as Penny and Derrick Pierce deliver a compelling performance. No one has ever seen Penny this rough, dirty, and nasty on film. Her fans will be surprised to see her scorching, one of a kind scene. Says Penny: "Although I like it in my personal life with the right person, I've never had rough sex on camera before. I hand-picked Derrick, who I really trust, for my scene. We felt really comfortable, and I went to a place I've never gone before. It's one of the best scenes I've ever shot."
Two other scenes follow hers with an cast that includes:
Lexi Belle, Aiden Starr, Mark Davis, Derrick Pierce, Devin, Mia Lelani and of course Penny Flame!
**Written and Directed by Penny Flame
**Executive Produced by Tristan Taormino
It comes out on April 1, 2009 - you can order it at several stores online including Gamelink! Enjoy it!
Vivid Titles Selected to Screen at 2 International Film Festivals! |
In case you haven't heard yet, Vivid-Ed's very own Tristan Taormino has had two of her works selected to screen at two very international film festivals this spring!
Her 2007 film, Chemistry 1, is going to be making an appearance at the 10th Annual Red Dawns Feminist & Queer Festival in Ljubljana, Slovenia - it was one of only three films selected by the event's producers for screening at the festival, and will be followed by a discussion of feminist, alternative, and queer porn. Tristan was thrilled with the news: ""It's incredibly groundbreaking for such a festival to exist in Slovenia, and I am so honored to have my movie be a part of it."
A little closer to home is the annual CineKink Film Festival, which runs from February 24 - March 1 in New York, NY. CineKink, which was created in 2003, exists to recognize and encourage the positive depictions of sexuality and kink in television and film, and this year they will be screening an excerpt of Chemistry 3! The organizers selected a scene starring Roxy DeVille - which pleased Tristan immensely, as it's one of her favorites! If you'd like to check out the festival, you can go to their website at www.cinekink.com.
In the next few weeks, we'll have news on a new Vivid-Ed title that hits the streets later this spring, as well as a new Q&A from Tristan herself - so check back soon!
Dark Odyssey Is Almost Here! |
Hey Folks! Happy February to you all...I know many of you are buried in the snow and ice, but things are heating up for Dark Odyssey : Winter Fire, an event being held February 13-15 in Washington DC that brings together the best of the sex positive communities for one weekend of fun, education, and fantastic special events geared to add a lot of hot to your winter!
This year, we're really excited to have an incredible lineup of presenters, most notably Penny Flame (who, among her other amazing acting credits, directed Vivid-Ed's recently released Penny Flame's Expert Guide to Hand Jobs), and Princess Donna of Kink.com fame (who also appeared in my Expert Guide to The G Spot). You can take a look at their classes, as well as peruse the listings of the other 28 presenters, at the Dark Odyssey : Winter Fire website - but hurry and register before time runs out!
In other news, we're looking for more questions to answer in our monthly Q&A column; if you want to ask a question on any area of sexuality, please email it to me at tristan@vivid-ed.com - and keep an eye on this space for more!
With lube + affection,
Tristan |
AVN win, bestseller, and more! |
Hi all,
I hope you had a great holiday season! I was in New York City last month for a Best Lesbian Erotica 2009 reading and it went wonderful - as was my return trip to Cornell (no protests this time!). January started off really hectic for me, with a trip out to Los Angeles and then off to Las Vegas for the AVN Adult Entertainment Expo and Awards. Those of you who follow me on Twitter already got the play by play, but I had a great trip overall. Babeland threw a really nice cocktail party and panel on Thursday, and I had a lot of really great meetings at the Vivid booth.
I am so thrilled that The Expert Guide to Oral Sex 2: Fellatio won an AVN Award for Best Educational Release. That was a brand new category for them this year, and I just want to acknowledge all the amazing groundbreaking work that Nina Hartley and Ernest Greene have done to pave the way for other educational videos. In other exciting video news, The Expert Guide to Threesomes has spent two weeks on AVN.com's bestseller list, jumping from #74 to #32!
I plan to spend the rest of the month writing and getting ready for Dark Odyssey, which is only a month away! In case you don't know, Dark Odyssey: Winter Fire is Valentine's Weekend, February 13-15, 2009, in Washington DC, and the numbers are growing everyday. We've confirmed fantastic presenters including Expert Guide director and educator - Penny Flame!
I hope you'll join us there! Remember that the earlier you register, the lower the rate, so sign up now!
with lube + affection,
P.S. I'm still in love with Twitter, please come follow me!
Curious about threesomes? |
The latest installment in the AVN nominated Expert Guide series is here to help! Still just fantasizing about having a threesome? Why not delve into the heart of the subject and make it a reality!!!
"Tristan Taormino's Expert Guide to Threesomes" shares the keys to creating a successful threesome in a more humorous and retro style that marks an excellent style departure in the Expert Guide DVD line. Sex educator and relationship expert The DVD is a two-hour, turn-on course about one of the most popular fantasies of all time -- having sex with two partners -- and it is in stores now!
"We put a cool spin on the instructional part of the movie, which has the look and feel of an old-school sex-ed film from the 1950s but with 21st Century information," says Taormino. "We are really pushing the envelope with some blistering sexual reality as we teach people, and the chemistry between the actors is amazing."
"Threesomes" stars Penny Flame, Harmony, Haileey James, Daisy Marie, India Summer, Christian, Jack Lawrence and Derrick Pierce with a special appearance by Tristan Taormino. |
Penny's First Vivid-Ed release!!!! |
[re-posted from XCritic.com]
In a few short days from now, two things will be happening. The release of my very first Vivid-Ed flick, "Penny Flame's Expert Guide to Hand Jobs For Men and Women," and the release of Penny Flame, upon the entire European continent. One will only effect me, the other has the potential to effect every single person who watches it. In that great way only hand jobs do.
When Tristan Taormino came to me asking if I would like a shot at directing for her Vivid-Ed, I jumped at the opportunity. In fact, when she said my first movie should be about handjobs, (because of the lemon juicing technique I used on Tyler Knight in her Chem 4 movie), I started clapping, because hands really are one of the most underrated parts of our bodies when it comes to sex.
For Example. The majority of girls I know, and myself included, have at one point requested that the guys we fuck not play with us with their hands. Like, no fingers in, no clit rubbing. Personally, this is because I always thought it rude of me to ask a guy to go wash his hands so he can play with my pussy. Being a part of this movie, and directing it under Tristan's guidance, really opened me up to the idea that I'm not being rude, I'm just communicating my wants and desires. If he has any, he should communicate them to me as well, and this will ensure that the entire time we are fucking, we are making a conscious decision and effort to please our partner. So even before we start playing, I always wash my hands, and have my guys do the same. Its kind of fun actually, like a little trip to the bathroom where we wash our hands and end up making out and pre-getting it on. Its like a get to know ya moment.
Continue reading Penny's blog here:
My First Vivid-Ed Realease, and the Hunt for Penny Flame on XCritic
Expert Guide To Positions is here! |
Vivid-Ed's newest Expert Guide DVD, "Expert Guide to Positions", is out! With a cast including Amber Rayne, Celina Cross, and Courtney Simpson, it features 18 different positions for hotter and more intense sex.
You can check it out here!
With lube + affection,
G-Spot pics added to Photo section! |
Hi everyone!
The Expert Guide to the G-spot movie has quickly become a favorite around the office(and often disappears for a few days at a time). I wanted to let you all know that we added some photos from the movie to the Photo section. There are already photos from The Expert Guide to Anal Sex, Oral Sex: Part 1, Cunnilingus and Part 2: Fellatio up there.
Check them out!
with lube + affection,
Vivid-Ed wins an Emma Award for Oral Sex Guides |
We are so pleased to announce that Vivid-Ed's director Tristan Taormino won top honors at the 3rd Annual Feminist Porn Awards, which took place in Toronto on last Friday, April 4. Nicknamed "The Emmas" in honor of feminist godmother Emma Goldman, the Feminist Porn Awards celebrates erotic directors who have revolutionized porn. The awards are presented by the Canadian retailer, Good For Her, which strives to provide women and their admirers an accessible place with a variety of high quality adult products and workshops.
Out of the twelve awards presented at the ceremony, Taormino received "Smutty Schoolteacher of the Year (Educational Title)" for her two-part Vivid-Ed companion DVDs the "Expert Guide to Oral Sex" (Part 1: Cunnilingus and Part 2: Fellatio).
Written, directed and produced by Taormino, her "Expert Guide" series from the Vivid-Ed imprint offers very explicit advice and techniques to improve sexual pleasure. In her "Expert Guide to Oral Sex" movies, she presents detailed workshops on cunnilingus and fellatio. Each movie showcases a stellar cast, which includes the redheaded siren Justine Joli in Part 1: Cunnilingus and Roxy DeVille and Christian in Part 2: Fellatio. Students learn the proper technique for oral sex and reveal their amazing talents.
"I feel so thrilled and honored to be recognized for the third year in a row by the Feminist Porn Awards," declares Taormino. "Good For Her has truly broken new ground in putting these awards together; this awards show makes history every time it happens. I appreciate my work being recognized both *by* feminists and *as* a feminist. Oh, and this Smutty Schoolteacher believes in Extra Credit!" |
Expert Guide to the G-Spot now available! |
The fourth installment in the Vivid-Ed is now out! This time we are encouraged to enjoy better sex by learning about the intricacies of the G-spot with the latest DVD, "Expert Guide to the G-spot."
As in the style of the first three "Expert Guides" series director Tristan Taormino leads a G-spot workshop for couples where she reviews female sexual anatomy and offers explicit advice to improve and enhance G-spot stimulation. Co-hosts Sarah and Donna demonstrate various techniques as Tristan narrates what they are doing. Students also learn the proper use of toys and techniques for maximum pleasure.
Taormino is a widely recognized sex education expert, a syndicated newspaper columnist and best-selling author. Her fourth "Expert Guide" installment was written, produced and directed by her. The explicit DVD follows her highly successful "Expert Guide to Anal Sex" and two-part "Expert Guide to Oral Sex" (Part 1: Cunnilingus and Part 2: Fellatio).
Says Taormino, "We cover a lot of ground in this movie, and show a range of G-spot stimulation techniques, including penetration with fingers, dildos, and vibrators, strap-on sex tips, and the best positions to hit the spot during intercourse."
"The female ejaculation scene in the movie is just amazing," she added. "Derrick Pierce and Kylie Worthy have fantastic chemistry. You can tell they are really comfortable with each other. I couldn't believe how much she squirted!"
The stellar cast stars the award-winning Penny Flame, who recently signed to direct her own line of sex education movies for Vivid-Ed. She partners with Evan Stone, while Faith Leon and Alec Knight share steamy, sensual scenes that include a special vibrator with G-spot attachment.
The high-definition movie is the first Vivid-Ed title to be simultaneously released on DVD and Blu-ray. Included are behind-the-scenes features, cast interviews, previews and exclusive mini-features, along with motion menus, scene and chapter selection. And to give you the ultimate control the scenes can be viewed with or without instruction.
Congrats Vivid-Ed and Tristan on yet another excellent addition! |
Cunnilingus is Here! |
I'm so excited that the second Vivid-Ed title ships to stores today! It was so much fun to make, and I am proud to say that it is all pussy eating, all the time! That's right, in the scenes with instruction, we show you explicit techniques for oral sex, and, not surprisingly, the women all come like crazy. The cast is amazing. Justine Joli leads the workshop with Ariel X, and I believe that of all the porn performers working today, Justine is one of the best at doing girls. She just really knows how to give a woman pleasure, and this movie shows off that talent. Ariel X is relatively new to the industry, and she is fantastic: natural, enthusiastic, very real. The first couples' scene is with real-life couple Kelly and Richard Kline, and their connection is so genuine and their heat so palpable that I just love it. Be sure to check out some bonus footage of them in the section called "Playing with Toys," where a glass dildo and the Hitachi Magic Wand make for a very multi-orgasmic Kelly! Then there's Cindy Crawford and Jack Lawrence. Jack just won the 2007 Adultcon Award for his amazing oral skills, and his scene is off the charts. Cindy is vocal, enthusiastic, and super sexy. Plus, their scene opens with Jack shaving her pussy - hot! Justine and Ariel have a bonus girl/girl scene and there is a safer sex mini-feature. For those of you who simply cannot watch a sex scene without seeing the guy come, if you watch the scenes without instruction, the guys get blow jobs and do get off. Can't wait to hear what you all think, so get on the message boards and let me know! |
Unbelievable Contest! |
Win an all-expense paid trip to the set of a Vivid-Ed Shoot (and a role as an extra in the movie if you're brave!) from BlueDoor.com and Vivid-Ed! Come hang out with me and some cool performers in Los Angeles; I promise the winner will have an amazing one-of-a-kind experience. Enter at http://www.bluedoor.com/vivided. Hurry -- the contest ends May 2! |
Your're Here! |
Wow! We're live! I am so excited that you've made it here! Listen, this site is going to be what you all make it. Check out the events page: it's a national calendar of sex workshops all over North America. And tell me what you think about everything...What would you like to see on the site? What topics do you think we should cover in our video series? What performers do you think we can learn from? Check back often, as I will be adding content and posting blogs as often as I can. Welcome! |
Dear Tristan,
I have a question about pussy shaving. I prefer to have zero hair on my pussy. However, I'm not overly satisfied with the results, and wonder if there is a better way to shave. I use a Venus 3 razor and body wash to shave. But I've discovered that after a couple days, I usually end up with a few red bumps that are like pimples. I also used to shave in an upward motion, but was told that it is better to shave in a downward motion.
Is this true? Is there a better razor that I could use? Would some type of cream be better to use rather
than body wash? Is there a specific technique to shaving that is more apt to result in a more smooth and
softly shaved pussy?
Signed, Bare-ly There Read Tristan's Answer.. |